Retrolegends is always looking for exclusive cars for immediate purchase. We are not interested in any one specific age category, but simply good quality to excellent quality automobiles. We are also interested in exclusive, unrestored cars, although they must be complete and original. Retrolegends also has a large portfolio of clients looking for a specific type of car. If what you are offering matches what they are asking for, Retrolegends can mediate an accurate and proper transaction.
Through the years, we have developed a worldwide network of contacts, making it possible to meet your specific requirement within a reasonable amount of time. Another option we offer is the purchase of a complete collection. We can also take care of the export, import, transport to and from abroad, and proper documentation, Department of Road Transport inspection and Tax on Private Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles transactions in the Netherlands for the car you have bought or sold. For more information or to discuss your particular requirements, call us at +31 (0)6-10508899 or send an e-mail to Henny Kennis at If you are selling a car, send us an e-mail with several pictures of the vehicle and a telephone number where you can be reached. Your enquiry or request does not obligate you in any way. It is only the start of together ensuring a successful transaction!